The number one, sure fire, way to increase revenue for your small business.

Answer the phone.

That’s it.

I probably shouldn’t have to write any more about the subject. But I will! Answer the phone when it rings and you will make more money. I promise.

Here’s a few reasons why…

  • The person trying to call you might want to give you their business.
  • The person trying to call you may already be your client, but if you don’t answer the phone, they won’t recommend you to their friends.
  • The person trying to call you may know someone who needs your service.
  • The person trying to call you deserves for you to answer the phone.
  • The person trying to call you may be an annoying telemarketer… who cares? Hang up on them! No sweat off your brow!

After almost 20 years of being self employed, you know what I have learned is my biggest money maker? It’s not that I am the best web designer on the planet (though I do think I’m pretty good at web design), it’s that I answer the phone when it rings. Even if I don’t like what I think I’m going to be told when I hear the phone ring, I answer it.

You can provide the best product or service in the world, but if you don’t answer the phone, clients will call someone else. I guarantee it.